

Primary School

To be inspired and be inspiring

Head Teacher letter from Ms Jackson - 3 November 2020

Dear Parents / Carers,


As we enter another national lock down, I wished to write to say we are delighted that the school is remaining open.  All staff, without exception, agree the best place for children is in school.  Our main target this half term is to remain open for all year groups.  Of course I continue to review the requirements for keeping all safe, children and adults.  As the spread of the virus in the community increases, I would ask all parents to fully comply with the government rules at home and socially. In this way we can all mitigate the chance of the virus entering the school.


Please do wear a mask at drop off and pick up and stay socially distanced from each other and the staff.  Please move quickly through the playgrounds and exit quickly so others behind you can also collect and drop off quickly. Please do not gather outside the school gates after drop off or pick up.


In school the staff are now wearing masks in all communal areas, corridors, staff room, hall but not in the class bubbles as this interrupts teaching.

As required we are keeping all areas in the school very well ventilated and ensuring all children get out to have fresh air, PE and play, as much as possible. Therefore, I would recommend that when the weather turns colder you dress your children appropriately (warm vests etc.).


Please do have a look at the website calendar for dates of events planned this term.


School Events

Curriculum dress up and PSA Mufti days will take place. (No changing in school)

All the major religious festivals, (we usually have school celebrations) will now be celebrated with classroom based assemblies.

For Christmas we will have:

  • Christmas lunch will be provided by Harrisons for Reception, KS1 and KS2 Harrison packed lunch children.  Parents will need to provide a special lunch (no rules except no nuts) for those who bring lunch from home – 10 December 2020.
  • Christmas parties in class bubbles (children to bring own individual party food / lunch) - 16 December 2020.
  • Father Christmas / KS1 and Reception (may be virtual), on Party Day.
  • Class Christmas presents - these are funded by the PSA.
  • Class Christmas Greeting Assemblies for parents and carers (recorded). To be sent out by all classes on 14 December 2020 to watch in your own time.
  • Please note on the last day of term the children will finish at the same time they have been finishing this term (not at 2.00pm which is what normally happens on the last day of term).


I am sure, like me, you are already looking forward to spring and hopefully a return to some normality.  During this very difficult time the staff and children are all concentrating on our “Kindness” initiative. Random acts of kindness are being actively encouraged. In this way we hope to keep all in our community as happy as possible and feeling supported.


Thank you for all your continuing good wishes and support. It is much appreciated.


Yours faithfully,


Ms Jackson

Head Teacher
