Computing is a subject in the National Curriculum. Through programming, children learn a unique way of thinking: computational thinking. Through information technology, children create their own media and deepen their data and information knowledge. Through digital literacy, children learn how to use technology positively and safely and also learn about computer systems and networks around us. Computing also encourages creativity and inspires many other areas of learning across the curriculum.
Planning for computing is based on the National Centre for Computing Education resources. Computing is taught throughout the year on a weekly basis. Each year starts with a unit about computing systems and networks, followed by two units in which children are taught how to create different kinds of media. A data and information unit and then two programming units complete the year.
Core knowledge and vocabulary will be revisited over and over again throughout Marshgate Primary School. Therefore, each time a core concept such as ‘algorithm’ is learned in a different context, the children’s mental models of these concepts develop. Learning is sequenced using the structure provided by the National Centre for Computing Education resources. Teachers ensure that prior knowledge is activated and built upon by, for example, retrieving what was learned about networks in Year 3 when studying them again in Year 4. Meaningful links are made to other subject areas, particularly the strong links between data handling, science and mathematics.
Computing offers children with SEND unique opportunities. For example, coding is a predictable and safe environment in which children can experiment with ideas. Devices are used to aid communication where appropriate – ensuring accurate translation or an additional resource for those children with dyslexia.
We aim for children to connect with our computing curriculum by:
- creating their own media and code and thereby being computer programmers / creators themselves
- ensuring computing lessons are accessible to all
- knowing important local figures, such as Tim Berners Lee
- being highly aware of their rights and responsibilities
For children who are disadvantaged, it is particularly important to secure computing knowledge during the primary years. For example, to avoid being misled by disinformation, and to have a ‘fluency’ with using a computer which is critical in the workplace in the future.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
During the EYFS, children recognise that technology is used for particular purposes. For example, they may have learned how to take photographs on an iPad, but need to be taught what a photograph is, that they need to ask someone’s permission before taking their photo, what the purpose of a photograph is and how they are used to communicate.
Children learn to create content rather than only consume it. In Reception classes (and at home), children use Seesaw to create and show content. This can also be the retelling of a story on video or recorded audio, creating digital images, and controlling / programming devices such as floor robots (these are used in both adult-led activities and as part of continuous provision).
Children learn social skills and rules regarding using devices. The children also learn to log on to a domain, to open programs and to explore the uses of programs (the use of activ panels as creative tools is part of ‘expressive art and design’ and an important part our continuous provision offer).
Computing enables our Reception children to understand the digital world we live in, as well as preparing them for the Year 1 Computing Curriculum to come.
Assessment in Computing
Teachers assess children’s understanding throughout lessons. Children’s responses to questions (checking for understanding, whole class response to multiple choice questions, through class discussion) and observations made during independent practice give the teacher information about the child’s understanding, how they are progressing towards the objectives and where further challenge is appropriate. Assessment is then used to inform future lessons.
Computing is monitored through a variety of strategies, including: planning and book scrutiny, learning walks and pupil voice activities.