Contact Details
Marshgate Primary School
157 Queens Road
TW10 6HY
Telephone: 0208 332 6219
Headteacher: Mr Dermot Bracken
URN: 133728, DfE number: 318/2040
UKPRN: 10076663
Reason for contacting Marshgate |
Which email address should I use?
I am a parent or carer of a child at Marshgate and would like to contact a teacher or other member of staff (prospective parents please use this email address)
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My child is unwell and cannot attend school or has an appointment (please give information about the absence)
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I would like to contact the Headteacher, Mr Bracken
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I have an enquiry for the SENDco
I would like to contact the School Bursar
I would like to contact the Parent Staff Assosication (PSA)
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I have been asked to contact my child’s teacher about school trips
I would like to contact the school about any Human Resources (HR) queries or job vacancies
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I would like to contact the Clerk to the School Governors.
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Any other external organisations, other schools, and general enquiries please use this email adddress
Please note some telephone calls are recorded for monitoring and training purposes.
Emails sent to the parents@ email address will be forwarded by the office team to the class teacher or to any other relevant member of staff.
If you require a paper copy of any of the information listed on the website, this will be provided free of charge, please contact the school office.
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Marshgate's Senior Leadership Team | |
Mr Dermot Bracken | Headteacher |
Mr John-Paul Gentry | Deputy Headteacher |
Miss Nicola McClenning | Lead Practitioner and KS1 Lead |
Mr Sam Jeffrey | Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception) Lead SENDCO and SEMH |
Miss Helen Gray | Lower KS2 Lead |
Mr Cahir Healy | Upper KS2 Lead |
School Office and Finance | |
Mrs Helen Cox | Office Manager (Wednesday to Friday) |
Mrs Julia Doherty | Bursar |
Mrs Lugresia Duckworth | Admin Assistant / Receptionist |
Mrs Tina Sandhu | Office Manager and HR Manager (Monday to Wednesday) |