Physical Education
Physical Education (PE) is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. It incorporates movement, dance, drama, team games, skills training, swimming (in KS2) and work on large apparatus. The importance of progression, the gaining of self-confidence, control and co-ordination are priorities. In PE in Marshgate, we focus on teaching the whole child, working also on their social, emotional and thinking skills through the medium of PE. We aim to offer children the chance to participate in a range of sporting activities. A variety of Physical Education clubs are available to children throughout the year groups.
During Early Years the children have many opportunities to develop gross motor development and co-ordination. This may happen outside through climbing, bike riding, sand and water play or during hall time through musical movement or apparatus work. At Key Stage 1 (KS1) children are taught gymnastics, games and dance along with sending and receiving, ball skills and invasion games' skills that become more prevalent in specific sports in KS2.
At Key Stage 2 (KS2) these activities continue with the addition of swimming (this life skill is prioritised at Marhsgate with Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 going swimming as part of their curriculum. Those children that are assessed as not making the distance of 25m are also given the opportunity to swim in the summer term of Year 6). The school has separate KS1 and KS2 playgrounds to enable children to fully access the outdoor curriculum. The KS2 playgrounds have a fully marked football pitch, netball and tennis courts along with basketball nets.
A specialist sports coaching company (Kick) work within the school to assist with the teaching of Physical Education. They ensure all lessons run in line with the national curriculum.
Active play is encouraged throughout the school with the provision of challenging climbing equipment and a range of small apparatus for all year groups. In addition, active lunchtimes games are provided for children. In KS2, these are provided by our Sports Leaders in each year group and in KS1 these are provided by our LSPs along with Sport Helpers. In KS1 and KS2, Kick run lunchtime activities daily with the aim of 100% participation of all children in these Key Stages during an academic year.
To encourage and promote physical activity among our children, we run a half termly 'Wellness Warrior' Competition among our classes and children also compete in the 'Daily Mile Destinations' competition. Please visit the Sports Desk in Teaching and Learning for more information on all topics linked to PE, Sport and Physical Activity (linked below).