Information about the PSA for new parents and carers
Essentially as a PSA Team we aim to provide the structure and planning behind a myriad of events across the school year that appeal to both the children and parents/carers from the school community. In order to accomplish these events, we often ask for both people's time and donations/items based on the theme or event we are running.
Please consider how you might be able to contribute. This may be through your employment, family connections, social contacts or recreational activities that you can access goods or services, either as a one-off or a regular contribution going forward.
Our hope is that what you identify could help raise funds at a PSA event, for example it could be used as a prize at one of our stalls at the Summer Fair.
We have suggested a few things below in case this helps trigger any ideas:
- Offering a specialist set of skills for a defined period of time or activity, e.g. architect, builder, electrician, personal trainer, interior design, gardener, beautician
- Goods, e.g. vouchers, books, tickets to an event, membership, days out, coffee, wine, lunch or dinner
- Discounted goods or services, as per the above
We hope to build up an inventory of goods and services available to us that we can spread across the various events and activities scheduled throughout the year.
Monetary contributions:
Following feedback that some parents/carers who are not regularly at drop off or pick up may find that they cannot get involved or contribute as easily as they would like, if you wish to donate to the PSA online, please consider one of the following options:
- Amazon Smile: Switch on Amazon Smile on your Amazon app. All you have to do is choose ‘Marshgate Primary School PTA’ and every time you make an eligible purchase Amazon will donate a small amount to the PSA.
- People’s Fundraising: Visit our page at People’s Fundraising if you would like to make a monetary donation. You can make a one-off donation or set up a direct debit for as little as a few pounds each month and we can claim gift aid too.
- Match funding: Check with your employer if they have a match funding policy. As the PSA is a registered charity, many organisations will match the funds raised at an event (such as our summer and winter fairs) either as a total or at the stall that their employee is working on.
We hope that this helps to give a clearer understanding of how you can support the PSA’s fundraising efforts; if you do have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on
Thank you for your continued support!