

Primary School

To be inspired and be inspiring

School Meals

The Mayor of London is funding universal free school meal provision in London primary schools for the 2023/24 academic year. The following information, guidance and resources have been developed to support schools to expand the delivery of free school meals to all their pupils:

Please note the children do not have a school meal on Party Day (in the autumn and summer terms). The children are asked to bring in their own party food packed lunch for that day, please note the no nuts policy.


Since September 2016 the school meals at Marshgate have been provided by Harrison Catering Services Limited.

Please click above for further information about our new caterers

Autumn 1



Week 1



2 Sept

23 Sept

14 Oct

11 Nov


25 Nov


16 Dec

Week 2



9 Sept

30 Sept

21 Oct

18 Nov


2 Dec


Week 3



16 Sept

7 Oct

4 Nov

18 Nov


9 Dec





Information about Free School Meals from the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

If you receive any of the following benefits, your child could be entitled to Free School Meals at School:

Income support, Income-based Job Seekers Allowance, Income-related Employment & Support Allowance, Guaranteed Credit Element of State Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit - provided that you are not in receipt of any Working Tax Credit , and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190, Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.

To qualify for free school meals you must live in, or your child has to be attending a school in the London Borough of Richmond.  Please see the borough website below for  further information and to check your eligibility.
