Religious Education and Collective Worship
The school follows the locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education (RE). RE in our school aims to encourage in each young child a sense of his/her own value (you cannot love others if you do not love yourself). Much of RE is implicit in the school curriculum - the awe and wonder of creation forming an important part of many subjects. It is equally important that our children learn about their own and each others' beliefs. We attempt to nurture the child's sense of identity and encourage him/her to communicate what they know and what they feel. Full respect is given to the needs of our multi-faith school community.
We hold a simple act of collective worship each day at school as required by law. On some days this will be class-based but in the main will involve the whole school. Parents who wish to exercise their rights under the Education Act (1944) should see the Head Teacher.
What happens in daily assemblies?
Each day, Key Stage 1 and 2 children will take part in an assembly. This may be a whole school assembly, a key stage assembly or a class assembly. Assemblies promote the moral and spiritual welfare of the children. They are used to share and celebrate news and achievements. We also share the customs and festivals of many different faiths. The development of attitudes of caring for and sharing with others is central to our assemblies. We also want our children to be inspired and be inspiring (children may be withdrawn from collective worship at the parents' written request).
How is Religious Education taught?
We follow the London Borough of Richmond's agreed SACRE syllabus. In accordance with statutory regulations religious studies will reflect the requirements to be 'broadly and mainly Christian'. However, we will seek to share core values which are common to all religions. Teaching is sensitive to the multi-cultural, multi-faith background of our children. We positively celebrate this diversity. Children gain knowledge and understanding of all major faiths. Respect for the views and beliefs of others will underpin all Learning and Teaching.