"Where each child can be inspired and be inspiring”
Underpinning everything we do at Marshgate Primary School is helping each child to develop a learning disposition, resilience, a love of learning and an enquiring mind and creativity which will empower them for lifelong learning (our school’s aims and values). This learning is rooted in knowledge and enriched by opportunity.
At Marshgate, all children experience a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, fulfilling the aims of the National Curriculum, with carefully planned enrichment opportunities that enhance learning. We have the highest expectations for all learners, with our curriculum adapted to the needs of all children, enabling all to achieve excellence and lead on to future success.
In all year groups, knowledge is consolidated and built upon with children expected to retain and recall their learning across the curriculum. This is summarised in our Whole School Curriculum Maps and Knowledge & Skills Progression Grids found under each subject area below. Half termly Curriculum Summaries are sent out to Parents/Carers and can be found on our individual year group pages in the teaching and learning section (alternatively click here).
Our curriculum is carefully planned and logically sequenced so our children can build on their prior knowledge and make connections in their learning. Subject Leads in all areas consider the starting points for children in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the learning progress they make, up to Year 6 and beyond. At each stage, knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, ensuring that over time children know more and remember more.
Our Learning and Teaching at Marshgate Primary School is built on research and a common understanding of memory, cognitive load and recall, including Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve and Rosenshine’s Principles regarding the value of retrieval practice.
We benefit from having specialist teaching staff for French (taught from Year 1, Statutory from Year 3), Music and PE.
Reading and vocabulary acquisition are at the heart of our curriculum. Children are supported to develop a ‘love of reading.’ Opportunities to develop the core skills of reading, writing and maths are built on across all subjects, to ensure that children are ready to progress onto the next stage of their education.
Our learning and teaching encourages children “to be inspired and to be inspiring” – optimising our unique locality and wonderfully diverse and culturally rich community.